Source code for

Module that act as a (loose) interface. Its purpose is to uniform the results
coming from different contexts (Standalone, Blender, Maya, ...).

[docs] class SoftwareContext(object): def __init__(self): = None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dcc_version(): """ Get DCC version """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dcc_name(): """ Get DCC name """ return "Software"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_current_project_path(): """ Get current project path """ return None
[docs] def take_render_screenshot( self, renderer, output_path, extension, use_colorspace=True ): """ Take a rendered screenshot """ pass
[docs] def take_viewport_screenshot(self, output_path, extension): """ Take a viewport screenshot """ pass
[docs] def take_render_animation( self, renderer, output_path, container, use_colorspace=True ): """ Take a rendered animation """ pass
[docs] def take_viewport_animation(self, output_path, container): """ Take a viewport animation """ pass
[docs] def push_state(self): """ A function to save the current state (global variables) of the software. """ pass
[docs] def pop_state(self): """ A function to set back the old state (global variables) of the software. """ pass
[docs] def get_extensions(self, is_video): """ Return a list of tuple representing the extensions. Each tuple contains an extension object and its name. """ pass
[docs] def get_current_color_space(self, **kwargs): """ Return the current color space. """ pass
[docs] def set_current_color_space(self, color_space, **kwargs): """ Set the current color space. """ pass
[docs] def set_camera(self, camera, **kwargs): """ Set the camera """ pass
[docs] def get_cameras(self): """ Return a list of tuple representing the cameras. Each tuple contains a camera object and its name. """ pass
[docs] def get_available_renderers(self): """ Return a list of renderers or of render nodes, depending on the context. """ pass
@staticmethod def software_print(data): pass