import copy
import datetime
import json
from functools import wraps
cache_settings = {"enabled": False}
cached_functions = []
def enable():
Enable caching on all decorated functions.
cache_settings["enabled"] = True
return cache_settings["enabled"]
def disable():
Disable caching on all decorated functions.
cache_settings["enabled"] = False
return cache_settings["enabled"]
def clear_all():
Clear all cached functions.
for function in cached_functions:
def remove_oldest_entry(memo, maxsize):
Remove the oldest cache entry if there is more value stored than allowed.
memo (dict): Cache used for function memoization.
maxsize (int): Maximum number of entries for the cache.
Oldest entry for given cache.
oldest_entry = None
if maxsize > 0 and len(memo) > maxsize:
oldest_entry_key = list(memo.keys())[0]
for entry_key in memo.keys():
oldest_date = memo[oldest_entry_key]["date_accessed"]
if memo[entry_key]["date_accessed"] < oldest_date:
oldest_entry_key = entry_key
return oldest_entry
def get_cache_key(args, kwargs):
Serialize arguments to get a cache key. It will be used to store function
str: generated key
kwargscopy = kwargs.copy()
if "client" in kwargscopy:
kwargscopy["client"] = kwargscopy["client"].host
if len(args) == 0 and len(kwargscopy) == 0:
return ""
elif len(args) == 0:
return json.dumps(kwargscopy)
elif len(kwargscopy.keys()) == 0:
return json.dumps(args)
return json.dumps([args, kwargscopy])
def insert_value(function, cache_store, args, kwargs):
Serialize function call arguments and store function result in given cache
function (func): The function to cache value for.
cache_store (dict): The cache which will contain the value to cache.
args, kwargs: The arguments for which a cache must be set.
The cached value.
returned_value = function(*args, **kwargs)
key = get_cache_key(args, kwargs)
cache_store[key] = {
"value": returned_value,
return get_value(cache_store, key)
def get_value(cache_store, key):
It generates a deep copy of the requested value. It's needed because if a
pointer is returned, the value can be changed. Which leads to a modified
cache and unexpected results.
Value matching given key inside given cache store
value = cache_store[key]["value"]
return copy.deepcopy(value)
def is_cache_enabled(state):
state: The state describing the cache state.
True if cache is enabled for given state.
return cache_settings["enabled"] and state["enabled"]
def is_cache_expired(memo, state, key):
Check if cache is expired (outdated) for given wrapper state and cache key.
memo (dict): The function cache
state (dict): The parameters of the cache (enabled, expire, maxsize)
key: The key to check
True if cache value is expired.
date = memo[key]["date_accessed"]
expire = state["expire"]
date_to_check = date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=expire)
return expire > 0 and date_to_check <
def cache(function, maxsize=300, expire=120):
Decorator that generate cache wrapper and that adds cache feature to
target function. A max cache size and and expiration time (in seconds) can
be set too.
function (func): Decorated function:
maxsize: Number of value stored in cache (300 by default).
expire: Time to live in seconds of stored value (disabled by default)
cache_store = {}
state = {"enabled": True, "expire": expire, "maxsize": maxsize}
statistics = {"hits": 0, "misses": 0, "expired_hits": 0}
def clear_cache():
def get_cache_infos():
size = {"current_size": len(cache_store)}
infos = {}
for d in [state, statistics, size]:
return infos
def set_expire(new_expire):
state["expire"] = new_expire
def set_max_size(maxsize):
state["maxsize"] = maxsize
def enable_cache():
state["enabled"] = True
def disable_cache():
state["enabled"] = False
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if is_cache_enabled(state):
key = get_cache_key(args, kwargs)
if key in cache_store:
if is_cache_expired(cache_store, state, key):
statistics["expired_hits"] += 1
return insert_value(function, cache_store, args, kwargs)
statistics["hits"] += 1
return get_value(cache_store, key)
statistics["misses"] += 1
returned_value = insert_value(
function, cache_store, args, kwargs
remove_oldest_entry(cache_store, state["maxsize"])
return returned_value
return function(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper.set_cache_expire = set_expire
wrapper.set_cache_max_size = set_max_size
wrapper.clear_cache = clear_cache
wrapper.enable_cache = enable_cache
wrapper.disable_cache = disable_cache
wrapper.get_cache_infos = get_cache_infos
return wrapper