Source code for gazu.client

import sys
import functools
import json
import shutil
import os

from .encoder import CustomJSONEncoder

from .__version__ import __version__

from .exception import (

if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    from json import JSONDecodeError
    from urllib.parse import urlencode
    JSONDecodeError = ValueError
    from urllib import urlencode

DEBUG = os.getenv("GAZU_DEBUG", "false").lower() == "true"

class KitsuClient(object):
    def __init__(
        tokens={"access_token": None, "refresh_token": None},
        self.tokens = tokens
        if access_token:
            self.access_token = access_token
        if refresh_token:
            self.refresh_token = refresh_token
        self.use_refresh_token = use_refresh_token
        self.callback_not_authenticated = callback_not_authenticated

        self.session = requests.Session()
        self.session.verify = ssl_verify
        self.session.cert = cert = host
        self.event_host = host

    def access_token(self):
        return self.tokens.get("access_token", None)

    def access_token(self, token):
        self.tokens["access_token"] = token

    def refresh_token(self):
        return self.tokens.get("refresh_token", None)

    def refresh_token(self, token):
        self.tokens["refresh_token"] = token

    def refresh_access_token(self):
        Refresh access tokens for this client.

            dict: The new access token.
        response = self.session.get(
            get_full_url("auth/refresh-token", client=self),
                "User-Agent": "CGWire Gazu " + __version__,
                "Authorization": "Bearer " + self.refresh_token,
        check_status(response, "auth/refresh-token")
        tokens = response.json()

        self.access_token = tokens["access_token"]
        self.refresh_token = None

        return tokens

    def make_auth_header(self):
        Make headers required to authenticate.

            dict: Headers required to authenticate.
        headers = {"User-Agent": "CGWire Gazu " + __version__}

        if self.access_token:
            headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + self.access_token

        return headers

[docs] def create_client( host, ssl_verify=True, cert=None, use_refresh_token=False, callback_not_authenticated=None, **kwargs ): """ Create a client with given parameters. Args: host (str): The host to use for requests. ssl_verify (bool): Whether to verify SSL certificates. cert (str): Path to a client certificate. use_refresh_token (bool): Whether to automatically refresh tokens. callback_not_authenticated (function): Function to call when not authenticated. Returns: KitsuClient: The created client. """ return KitsuClient( host, ssl_verify, cert=cert, use_refresh_token=use_refresh_token, callback_not_authenticated=callback_not_authenticated, **kwargs )
default_client = None try: import requests # Little hack to allow json encoder to manage dates. requests.models.complexjson.dumps = functools.partial( json.dumps, cls=CustomJSONEncoder ) host = "http://gazu.change.serverhost/api" default_client = create_client(host) except Exception: print("Warning, running in setup mode!")
[docs] def host_is_up(client=default_client): """ Check if the host is up. Args: client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: bool: True if the host is up. """ try: response = client.session.head( except Exception: return False return response.status_code == 200
[docs] def host_is_valid(client=default_client): """ Check if the host is valid by simulating a fake login. Args: client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: bool: True if the host is valid. """ if not host_is_up(client): return False try: post("auth/login", {"email": ""}) except Exception as exc: return isinstance(exc, (NotAuthenticatedException, ParameterException))
[docs] def get_host(client=default_client): """ Get Args: client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: str: The host of the client. """ return
[docs] def get_api_url_from_host(client=default_client): """ Get the API url from the host. Args: client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: Zou url, retrieved from host. """ return[:-4]
[docs] def set_host(new_host, client=default_client): """ Set the host for the client. Args: new_host (str): The new host to set. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: str: The new host. """ = new_host return
[docs] def get_event_host(client=default_client): """ Get the host on which listening for events. Args: client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: str: The event host. """ return client.event_host or
[docs] def set_event_host(new_host, client=default_client): """ Set the host on which listening for events. Args: new_host (str): The new host to set. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: str: The new event host. """ client.event_host = new_host return client.event_host
[docs] def set_tokens(new_tokens, client=default_client): """ Store authentication token to reuse them for all requests. Args: new_tokens (dict): Tokens to use for authentication. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: dict: The stored tokens. """ client.tokens = new_tokens return client.tokens
[docs] def make_auth_header(client=default_client): """ Make headers required to authenticate. Args: client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: dict: Headers required to authenticate. """ return client.make_auth_header()
[docs] def url_path_join(*items): """ Make it easier to build url path by joining every arguments with a '/' character. Args: items (list): Path elements Returns: str: The joined path. """ return "/".join([item.lstrip("/").rstrip("/") for item in items])
[docs] def get_full_url(path, client=default_client): """ Join host url with given path. Args: path (str): The path to integrate to host url. Returns: The result of joining configured host url with given path. """ return url_path_join(get_host(client), path)
[docs] def build_path_with_params(path, params): """ Add params to a path using urllib encoding. Args: path (str): The url base path params (dict): The parameters to add as a dict Returns: str: the builded path """ if not params: return path query_string = urlencode(params) if query_string: # Support base paths that already contain query parameters. path += "&" if "?" in path else "?" path += query_string return path
[docs] def get(path, json_response=True, params=None, client=default_client): """ Run a get request toward given path for configured host. Args: path (str): The path to query. json_response (bool): Whether to return a json response. params (dict): The parameters to pass to the request. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: The request result. """ if DEBUG: print("GET", get_full_url(path, client)) path = build_path_with_params(path, params) retry = True while retry: response = client.session.get( get_full_url(path, client=client), headers=make_auth_header(client=client), ) _, retry = check_status(response, path, client=client) if json_response: return response.json() else: return response.text
[docs] def post(path, data, client=default_client): """ Run a post request toward given path for configured host. Args: path (str): The path to query. data (dict): The data to post. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: The request result. """ if DEBUG: print("POST", get_full_url(path, client)) if not "password" in data: print("Body:", data) retry = True while retry: response = get_full_url(path, client), json=data, headers=make_auth_header(client=client), ) _, retry = check_status(response, path, client=client) try: result = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: print(response.text) raise return result
[docs] def put(path, data, client=default_client): """ Run a put request toward given path for configured host. Args: path (str): The path to query. data (dict): The data to put. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: The request result. """ if DEBUG: print("PUT", get_full_url(path, client)) print("Body:", data) retry = True while retry: response = client.session.put( get_full_url(path, client), json=data, headers=make_auth_header(client=client), ) _, retry = check_status(response, path, client=client) return response.json()
[docs] def delete(path, params=None, client=default_client): """ Run a delete request toward given path for configured host. Args: path (str): The path to query. params (dict): The parameters to pass to the request. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: The request result. """ if DEBUG: print("DELETE", get_full_url(path, client)) path = build_path_with_params(path, params) retry = True while retry: response = client.session.delete( get_full_url(path, client), headers=make_auth_header(client=client) ) _, retry = check_status(response, path, client=client) return response.text
[docs] def get_message_from_response( response, default_message="No additional information" ): """ A utility function that handles Zou's inconsistent message keys. For a given request, checks if any error messages or regular messages were given and returns their value. If no messages are found, returns a default message. Args: response: requests.Request - A response to check. default_message: str - An optional default value to revert to if no message is detected. Returns: str: The message to display to the user. """ message = default_message message_json = response.json() if hasattr(message_json, "get"): for key in ["error", "message"]: if message_json.get(key): message = message_json[key] break return message
[docs] def check_status(request, path, client=None): """ Raise an exception related to status code, if the status code does not match a success code. Print error message when it's relevant. Args: request (Request): The request to validate. path (str): The path of the request. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: int: Status code Raises: ParameterException: when 400 response occurs NotAuthenticatedException: when 401 response occurs RouteNotFoundException: when 404 response occurs NotAllowedException: when 403 response occurs MethodNotAllowedException: when 405 response occurs TooBigFileException: when 413 response occurs ServerErrorException: when 500 response occurs """ status_code = request.status_code if status_code == 404: raise RouteNotFoundException(path) elif status_code == 403: raise NotAllowedException(path) elif status_code == 400: raise ParameterException(path, get_message_from_response(request)) elif status_code == 405: raise MethodNotAllowedException(path) elif status_code == 413: raise TooBigFileException( "%s: You send a too big file. " "Change your proxy configuration to allow bigger files." % path ) elif status_code in [401, 422]: try: if ( client and client.refresh_token and client.use_refresh_token and request.json()["message"] == "Signature has expired" ): client.refresh_access_token() return status_code, True else: raise NotAuthenticatedException(path) except NotAuthenticatedException: if client and client.callback_not_authenticated: retry = client.callback_not_authenticated(client, path) if retry: return status_code, True raise elif status_code in [500, 502]: try: print("A server error occured!\n") stacktrace = request.json().get( "stacktrace", "No stacktrace sent by the server" ) print("Server stacktrace:\n%s" % stacktrace) message = get_message_from_response( response=request, default_message="No message sent by the server", ) print("Error message:\n%s\n" % message) except Exception: print(request.text) raise ServerErrorException(path) return status_code, False
[docs] def fetch_all( path, params=None, client=default_client, paginated=False, limit=None ): """ Args: path (str): The path for which we want to retrieve all entries. params (dict): The parameters to pass to the request. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. paginated (bool): Will query entries page by page. limit (int): Limit the number of entries per page. Returns: list: All entries stored in database for a given model. You can add a filter to the model name like this: "tasks?project_id=project-id" """ if paginated: if not params: params = {} params["page"] = 1 if limit is not None: params["limit"] = limit url = url_path_join("data", path) response = get(url, params=params, client=client) if not paginated: return response nb_pages = response.get("nb_pages", 1) current_page = response.get("page", 1) results = response.get("data", []) if current_page != nb_pages: for page in range(2, nb_pages + 1): params["page"] = page response = get( url, params=params, client=client, ) results += response.get("data", []) return results
[docs] def fetch_first(path, params=None, client=default_client): """ Args: path (str): The path for which we want to retrieve the first entry. params (dict): The parameters to pass to the request. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: dict: The first entry for which a model is required. """ entries = get(url_path_join("data", path), params=params, client=client) if len(entries) > 0: return entries[0] else: return None
[docs] def fetch_one(model_name, id, params=None, client=default_client): """ Function dedicated at targeting routes that returns a single model instance. Args: model_name (str): Model type name. id (str): Model instance ID. params (dict): The parameters to pass to the request. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: dict: The model instance matching id and model name. """ return get( url_path_join("data", model_name, id), params=params, client=client )
[docs] def create(model_name, data, client=default_client): """ Create an entry for given model and data. Args: model_name (str): The model type involved. data (str): The data to use for creation. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: dict: Created entry """ return post(url_path_join("data", model_name), data, client=client)
[docs] def update(model_name, model_id, data, client=default_client): """ Update an entry for given model, id and data. Args: model_name (str): The model type involved. model_id (str): The target model id. data (dict): The data to update. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: dict: Updated entry """ return put( url_path_join("data", model_name, model_id), data, client=client )
[docs] def upload( path, file_path=None, data={}, extra_files=[], files=None, client=default_client, ): """ Upload file located at *file_path* to given url *path*. Args: path (str): The url path to upload file. file_path (str): The file location on the hard drive. data (dict): The data to send with the file. extra_files (list): List of extra files to upload. files (dict): The dictionary of files to upload. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: Response: Request response object. """ url = get_full_url(path, client) if not files: files = _build_file_dict(file_path, extra_files) retry = True while retry: response = url, data=data, headers=make_auth_header(client=client), files=files, ) _, retry = check_status(response, path, client=client) try: result = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: print(response.text) raise result_message = get_message_from_response(response, default_message="") if result_message: raise UploadFailedException(result_message) return result
def _build_file_dict(file_path, extra_files): """ Build a dictionary of files to upload. Args: file_path (str): The file location on the hard drive. extra_files (list): List of extra files to upload. Returns: dict: The dictionary of files to upload. """ files = {"file": open(file_path, "rb")} i = 0 for file_path in extra_files: i += 1 files["file-%s" % i] = open(file_path, "rb") return files
[docs] def download(path, file_path, params=None, client=default_client): """ Download file located at *file_path* to given url *path*. Args: path (str): The url path to download file from. file_path (str): The location to store the file on the hard drive. params (dict): The parameters to pass to the request. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: Response: Request response object. """ path = build_path_with_params(path, params) with client.session.get( get_full_url(path, client), headers=make_auth_header(client=client), stream=True, ) as response: with open(file_path, "wb") as target_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, target_file) return response
[docs] def get_file_data_from_url(url, full=False, client=default_client): """ Return data found at given url. Args: url (str): The url to fetch data from. full (bool): Whether to use full url. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: bytes: The data found at the given url. """ if not full: url = get_full_url(url) retry = True while retry: response = requests.get( url, stream=True, headers=make_auth_header(client=client), ) _, retry = check_status(response, url, client=client) return response.content
[docs] def import_data(model_name, data, client=default_client): """ Import data for given model. Args: model_name (str): The data model to import. data (dict): The data to import. client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: dict: The imported data. """ return post("/import/kitsu/%s" % model_name, data, client=client)
[docs] def get_api_version(client=default_client): """ Get the current version of the API. Args: client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: str: Current version of the API. """ return get("", client=client)["version"]
[docs] def get_current_user(client=default_client): """ Get the current user. Args: client (KitsuClient): The client to use for the request. Returns: dict: User database information for user linked to auth tokens. """ return get("auth/authenticated", client=client)["user"]