Source code for gazu.edit

from . import client as raw

from .cache import cache
from .helpers import normalize_model_parameter
from gazu.sorting import sort_by_name

default = raw.default_client

[docs]@cache def get_edit(edit_id, client=default): """ Args: edit_id (str): ID of claimed edit. Returns: dict: Edit corresponding to given edit ID. """ return raw.fetch_one("edits", edit_id, client=client)
[docs]@cache def get_edit_by_name(project, edit_name, client=default): """ Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. edit_name (str): Name of claimed edit. Returns: dict: Edit corresponding to given name and sequence. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) return raw.fetch_first( "edits/all", {"project_id": project["id"], "name": edit_name}, client=client, )
[docs]@cache def get_edit_url(edit, client=default): """ Args: edit (str / dict): The edit dict or the edit ID. Returns: url (str): Web url associated to the given edit """ edit = normalize_model_parameter(edit) edit = get_edit(edit["id"]) path = "{host}/productions/{project_id}/" if edit["episode_id"] is None: path += "edits/{edit_id}/" else: path += "episodes/{episode_id}/edits/{edit_id}/" return path.format( host=raw.get_api_url_from_host(client=client), project_id=edit["project_id"], edit_id=edit["id"], episode_id=edit["episode_id"], )
[docs]@cache def all_edits_for_project(project, client=default): """ Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. Returns: list: Edits from database or for given project. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) edits = raw.fetch_all("projects/%s/edits" % project["id"], client=client) return sort_by_name(edits)
[docs]@cache def all_previews_for_edit(edit, client=default): """ Args: edit (str / dict): The edit dict or the edit ID. Returns: list: Previews from database for given edit. """ edit = normalize_model_parameter(edit) return raw.fetch_all("edits/%s/preview-files" % edit["id"], client=client)
[docs]def new_edit( project, name, description=None, data={}, episode=None, client=default, ): """ Create an edit for given project (and episode if given). Allow to set metadata too. Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. name (str): The name of the edit to create. description (str): The description of the edit to create. data (dict): Free field to set metadata of any kind. episode (str / dict): The episode dict or the episode ID. Returns: Created edit. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) if episode is not None: episode = normalize_model_parameter(episode) data = {"name": name, "data": data, "parent_id": episode["id"]} if description is not None: data["description"] = description edit = get_edit_by_name(project, name, client=client) if edit is None: path = "data/projects/%s/edits" % project["id"] return, data, client=client) else: return edit
[docs]def remove_edit(edit, force=False, client=default): """ Remove given edit from database. Args: edit (dict / str): Edit to remove. """ edit = normalize_model_parameter(edit) path = "data/edits/%s" % edit["id"] params = {} if force: params = {"force": True} return raw.delete(path, params, client=client)
[docs]def update_edit(edit, client=default): """ Save given edit data into the API. Metadata are fully replaced by the ones set on given edit. Args: edit (dict): The edit dict to update. Returns: dict: Updated edit. """ return raw.put("data/entities/%s" % edit["id"], edit, client=client)
[docs]def update_edit_data(edit, data={}, client=default): """ Update the metadata for the provided edit. Keys that are not provided are not changed. Args: edit (dict / ID): The edit dict or ID to save in database. data (dict): Free field to set metadata of any kind. Returns: dict: Updated edit. """ edit = normalize_model_parameter(edit) current_edit = get_edit(edit["id"], client=client) updated_edit = {"id": current_edit["id"], "data": current_edit["data"]} updated_edit["data"].update(data) return update_edit(updated_edit, client=client)