Source code for gazu.files

from . import client as raw

from .cache import cache
from .helpers import normalize_model_parameter

default = raw.default_client

[docs] @cache def all_output_types(client=default): """ Returns: list: Output types listed in database. """ return raw.fetch_all("output-types", client=client)
[docs] @cache def all_output_types_for_entity(entity, client=default): """ Args: entity (str / dict): The entity dict or the entity ID. Returns: list: All output types linked to output files for given entity. """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) return raw.fetch_all( "entities/%s/output-types" % entity["id"], client=client )
[docs] @cache def all_output_types_for_asset_instance( asset_instance, temporal_entity, client=default ): """ Returns: list: Output types for given asset instance and entity (shot or scene). """ return raw.fetch_all( "asset-instances/%s/entities/%s/output-types" % (asset_instance["id"], temporal_entity["id"]), client=client, )
[docs] @cache def get_output_type(output_type_id, client=default): """ Args: output_type_id (str): ID of claimed output type. Returns: dict: Output type matching given ID. """ return raw.fetch_one("output-types", output_type_id, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_output_type_by_name(output_type_name, client=default): """ Args: output_type_name (str): name of claimed output type. Returns: dict: Output type matching given name. """ return raw.fetch_first( "output-types", {"name": output_type_name}, client=client )
[docs] def new_output_type(name, short_name, client=default): """ Create a new output type in database. Args: name (str): Name of created output type. short_name (str): Name shorten to represente the type in UIs. Returns: dict: Created output type. """ data = {"name": name, "short_name": short_name} output_type = get_output_type_by_name(name, client=client) if output_type is None: return raw.create("output-types", data, client=client) else: return output_type
[docs] @cache def get_output_file(output_file_id, client=default): """ Args: output_file_id (str): ID of claimed output file. Returns: dict: Output file matching given ID. """ path = "data/output-files/%s" % (output_file_id) return raw.get(path, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_output_file_by_path(path, client=default): """ Args: path (str): Path of claimed output file. Returns: dict: Output file matching given path. """ return raw.fetch_first("output-files", {"path": path}, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_all_working_files_for_entity( entity, task=None, name=None, client=default ): """ Retrieves all the working files of a given entity and specied parameters """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) task = normalize_model_parameter(task) path = "entities/{entity_id}/working-files".format(entity_id=entity["id"]) params = {} if task is not None: params["task_id"] = task["id"] if name is not None: params["name"] = name return raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_preview_file(preview_file_id, client=default): """ Args: preview_file_id (str): ID of claimed preview file. Returns: dict: Preview file corresponding to given ID. """ return raw.fetch_one("preview-files", preview_file_id, client=client)
[docs] def remove_preview_file(preview_file, force=False, client=default): """ Remove given preview file from database. Args: preview_file (str / dict): The preview_file dict or ID. """ preview_file = normalize_model_parameter(preview_file) params = {} if force: params = {"force": True} return raw.delete( "data/preview-files/%s" % preview_file["id"], params=params, client=client, )
[docs] @cache def get_all_preview_files_for_task(task, client=default): """ Retrieves all the preview files for a given task. Args: task (str, id): Target task """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) return raw.fetch_all( "preview-files", {"task_id": task["id"]}, client=client )
[docs] @cache def get_all_attachment_files_for_task(task, client=default): """ Retrieves all the attachment files for a given task. Args: task (str, id): Target task """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) return raw.fetch_all( "tasks/%s/attachment-files" % task["id"], client=client )
[docs] def all_output_files_for_entity( entity, output_type=None, task_type=None, name=None, representation=None, file_status=None, client=default, ): """ Args: entity (str / dict): The entity dict or ID. output_type (str / dict): The output type dict or ID. task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. name (str): The file name representation (str): The file representation file_status (str / dict): The file status Returns: list: Output files for a given entity (asset or shot), output type, task_type, name and representation """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) file_status = normalize_model_parameter(file_status) path = "entities/{entity_id}/output-files".format(entity_id=entity["id"]) params = {} if output_type: params["output_type_id"] = output_type["id"] if task_type: params["task_type_id"] = task_type["id"] if representation: params["representation"] = representation if name: params["name"] = name if file_status: params["file_status_id"] = file_status["id"] return raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client)
[docs] @cache def all_output_files_for_asset_instance( asset_instance, temporal_entity=None, task_type=None, output_type=None, name=None, representation=None, file_status=None, client=default, ): """ Args: asset_instance (str / dict): The instance dict or ID. temporal_entity (str / dict): Shot dict or ID (or scene or sequence). task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. output_type (str / dict): The output_type dict or ID. name (str): The file name representation (str): The file representation file_status (str / dict): The file status Returns: list: Output files for a given asset instance, temporal entity, output type, task_type, name and representation """ asset_instance = normalize_model_parameter(asset_instance) temporal_entity = normalize_model_parameter(temporal_entity) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) file_status = normalize_model_parameter(file_status) path = "asset-instances/{asset_instance_id}/output-files".format( asset_instance_id=asset_instance["id"] ) params = {} if temporal_entity: params["temporal_entity_id"] = temporal_entity["id"] if output_type: params["output_type_id"] = output_type["id"] if task_type: params["task_type_id"] = task_type["id"] if representation: params["representation"] = representation if name: params["name"] = name if file_status: params["file_status_id"] = file_status["id"] return raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client)
[docs] def all_output_files_for_project( project, output_type=None, task_type=None, name=None, representation=None, file_status=None, client=default, ): """ Args: entity (str / dict): The entity dict or ID. output_type (str / dict): The output type dict or ID. task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. name (str): The file name representation (str): The file representation file_status (str / dict): The file status Returns: list: Output files for a given project (asset or shot), output type, task_type, name and representation """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) file_status = normalize_model_parameter(file_status) path = "projects/{project_id}/output-files".format( project_id=project["id"] ) params = {} if output_type: params["output_type_id"] = output_type["id"] if task_type: params["task_type_id"] = task_type["id"] if representation: params["representation"] = representation if name: params["name"] = name if file_status: params["file_status_id"] = file_status["id"] return raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client)
[docs] @cache def all_softwares(client=default): """ Returns: dict: Software versions listed in database. """ return raw.fetch_all("softwares", client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_software(software_id, client=default): """ Args: software_id (str): ID of claimed output type. Returns: dict: Software object corresponding to given ID. """ return raw.fetch_one("softwares", software_id, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_software_by_name(software_name, client=default): """ Args: software_name (str): Name of claimed output type. Returns: dict: Software object corresponding to given name. """ return raw.fetch_first("softwares", {"name": software_name}, client=client)
[docs] def new_software(name, short_name, file_extension, client=default): """ Create a new software in datatabase. Args: name (str): Name of created software. short_name (str): Short representation of software name (for UIs). file_extension (str): Main file extension generated by given software. Returns: dict: Created software. """ data = { "name": name, "short_name": short_name, "file_extension": file_extension, } software = get_software_by_name(name, client=client) if software is None: return raw.create("softwares", data, client=client) else: return software
[docs] @cache def build_working_file_path( task, name="main", mode="working", software=None, revision=1, sep="/", client=default, ): """ From the file path template configured at the project level and arguments, it builds a file path location where to store related DCC file. Args: task (str / id): Task related to working file. name (str): Additional suffix for the working file name. mode (str): Allow to select a template inside the template. software (str / id): Software at the origin of the file. revision (int): File revision. sep (str): OS separator. Returns: Generated working file path for given task (without extension). """ data = {"mode": mode, "name": name, "revision": revision} task = normalize_model_parameter(task) software = normalize_model_parameter(software) if software is not None: data["software_id"] = software["id"] result = "data/tasks/%s/working-file-path" % task["id"], data, client=client ) return "%s%s%s" % ( result["path"].replace(" ", "_"), sep, result["name"].replace(" ", "_"), )
[docs] @cache def build_entity_output_file_path( entity, output_type, task_type, name="main", mode="output", representation="", revision=0, nb_elements=1, sep="/", client=default, ): """ From the file path template configured at the project level and arguments, it builds a file path location where to store related DCC output file. Args: entity (str / id): Entity for which an output file is needed. output_type (str / id): Output type of the generated file. task_type (str / id): Task type related to output file. name (str): Additional suffix for the working file name. mode (str): Allow to select a template inside the template. representation (str): Allow to select a template inside the template. revision (int): File revision. nb_elements (str): To represent an image sequence, the amount of file is needed. sep (str): OS separator. Returns: Generated output file path for given entity, task type and output type (without extension). """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) data = { "task_type_id": task_type["id"], "output_type_id": output_type["id"], "mode": mode, "name": name, "representation": representation, "revision": revision, "nb_elements": nb_elements, "separator": sep, } path = "data/entities/%s/output-file-path" % entity["id"] result =, data, client=client) return "%s%s%s" % ( result["folder_path"].replace(" ", "_"), sep, result["file_name"].replace(" ", "_"), )
[docs] @cache def build_asset_instance_output_file_path( asset_instance, temporal_entity, output_type, task_type, name="main", representation="", mode="output", revision=0, nb_elements=1, sep="/", client=default, ): """ From the file path template configured at the project level and arguments, it builds a file path location where to store related DCC output file. Args: asset_instance_id entity (str / id): Asset instance for which a file is required. temporal entity (str / id): Temporal entity scene or shot in which the asset instance appeared. output_type (str / id): Output type of the generated file. task_type (str / id): Task type related to output file. name (str): Additional suffix for the working file name. mode (str): Allow to select a template inside the template. representation (str): Allow to select a template inside the template. revision (int): File revision. nb_elements (str): To represent an image sequence, the amount of file is needed. sep (str): OS separator. Returns: Generated output file path for given asset instance, task type and output type (without extension). """ asset_instance = normalize_model_parameter(asset_instance) temporal_entity = normalize_model_parameter(temporal_entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) data = { "task_type_id": task_type["id"], "output_type_id": output_type["id"], "mode": mode, "name": name, "representation": representation, "revision": revision, "nb_elements": nb_elements, "sep": sep, } path = "data/asset-instances/%s/entities/%s/output-file-path" % ( asset_instance["id"], temporal_entity["id"], ) result =, data, client=client) return "%s%s%s" % ( result["folder_path"].replace(" ", "_"), sep, result["file_name"].replace(" ", "_"), )
[docs] def new_working_file( task, name="main", mode="working", software=None, comment="", person=None, revision=0, sep="/", client=default, ): """ Create a new working_file for given task. It generates and store the expected path for given task and options. It sets a revision number (last revision + 1). Args: task (str / id): Task related to working file. name (str): Additional suffix for the working file name. mode (str): Allow to select a template inside the template. software (str / id): Software at the origin of the file. comment (str): Comment related to created revision. person (str / id): Author of the file. revision (int): File revision. sep (str): OS separator. Returns: Created working file. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) software = normalize_model_parameter(software) person = normalize_model_parameter(person) data = { "name": name, "comment": comment, "task_id": task["id"], "revision": revision, "mode": mode, } if person is not None: data["person_id"] = person["id"] if software is not None: data["software_id"] = software["id"] return "data/tasks/%s/working-files/new" % task["id"], data, client=client )
[docs] def new_entity_output_file( entity, output_type, task_type, comment, working_file=None, person=None, name="main", mode="output", revision=0, nb_elements=1, representation="", sep="/", file_status_id=None, client=default, ): """ Create a new output file for given entity, task type and output type. It generates and store the expected path and sets a revision number (last revision + 1). Args: entity (str / id): Entity for which an output file is needed. output_type (str / id): Output type of the generated file. task_type (str / id): Task type related to output file. comment (str): Comment related to created revision. working_file (str / id): Working file which is the source of the generated file. person (str / id): Author of the file. name (str): Additional suffix for the working file name. mode (str): Allow to select a template inside the template. revision (int): File revision. nb_elements (str): To represent an image sequence, the amount of file is needed. representation (str): Differientate file extensions. It can be useful to build folders based on extensions like abc, jpg, etc. sep (str): OS separator. file_status_id (id): The id of the file status to set at creation Returns: Created output file. """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) working_file = normalize_model_parameter(working_file) person = normalize_model_parameter(person) path = "data/entities/%s/output-files/new" % entity["id"] data = { "output_type_id": output_type["id"], "task_type_id": task_type["id"], "comment": comment, "revision": revision, "representation": representation, "name": name, "nb_elements": nb_elements, "sep": sep, } if working_file is not None: data["working_file_id"] = working_file["id"] if person is not None: data["person_id"] = person["id"] if file_status_id is not None: data["file_status_id"] = file_status_id return, data, client=client)
[docs] def new_asset_instance_output_file( asset_instance, temporal_entity, output_type, task_type, comment, name="master", mode="output", working_file=None, person=None, revision=0, nb_elements=1, representation="", sep="/", file_status_id=None, client=default, ): """ Create a new output file for given asset instance, temporal entity, task type and output type. It generates and store the expected path and sets a revision number (last revision + 1). Args: entity (str / id): Entity for which an output file is needed. output_type (str / id): Output type of the generated file. task_type (str / id): Task type related to output file. comment (str): Comment related to created revision. working_file (str / id): Working file which is the source of the generated file. person (str / id): Author of the file. name (str): Additional suffix for the working file name. mode (str): Allow to select a template inside the template. revision (int): File revision. nb_elements (str): To represent an image sequence, the amount of file needed. representation (str): Differientate file extensions. It can be useful to build folders based on extensions like abc, jpg, cetc. sep (str): OS separator. file_status_id (id): The id of the file status to set at creation Returns: Created output file. """ asset_instance = normalize_model_parameter(asset_instance) temporal_entity = normalize_model_parameter(temporal_entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) working_file = normalize_model_parameter(working_file) person = normalize_model_parameter(person) path = "data/asset-instances/%s/entities/%s/output-files/new" % ( asset_instance["id"], temporal_entity["id"], ) data = { "output_type_id": output_type["id"], "task_type_id": task_type["id"], "comment": comment, "name": name, "revision": revision, "representation": representation, "nb_elements": nb_elements, "sep": sep, } if working_file is not None: data["working_file_id"] = working_file["id"] if person is not None: data["person_id"] = person["id"] if file_status_id is not None: data["file_status_id"] = file_status_id return, data, client=client)
[docs] def get_next_entity_output_revision( entity, output_type, task_type, name="main", client=default ): """ Args: entity (str / dict): The entity dict or ID. output_type (str / dict): The entity dict or ID. task_type (str / dict): The entity dict or ID. Returns: int: Next revision of ouput files available for given entity, output type and task type. """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) path = "data/entities/%s/output-files/next-revision" % entity["id"] data = { "name": name, "output_type_id": output_type["id"], "task_type_id": task_type["id"], "name": name, } return, data, client=client)["next_revision"]
[docs] def get_next_asset_instance_output_revision( asset_instance, temporal_entity, output_type, task_type, name="master", client=default, ): """ Args: asset_instance (str / dict): The asset instance dict or ID. temporal_entity (str / dict): The temporal entity dict or ID. output_type (str / dict): The entity dict or ID. task_type (str / dict): The entity dict or ID. Returns: int: Next revision of ouput files available for given asset insance temporal entity, output type and task type. """ asset_instance = normalize_model_parameter(asset_instance) temporal_entity = normalize_model_parameter(temporal_entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) path = "data/asset-instances/%s/entities/%s/output-files/next-revision" % ( asset_instance["id"], temporal_entity["id"], ) data = { "name": name, "output_type_id": output_type["id"], "task_type_id": task_type["id"], } return, data, client=client)["next_revision"]
[docs] def get_last_entity_output_revision( entity, output_type, task_type, name="master", client=default ): """ Args: entity (str / dict, client=default): The entity dict or ID. output_type (str / dict, client=default): The entity dict or ID. task_type (str / dict, client=default): The entity dict or ID. name (str, client=default): The output name Returns: int: Last revision of ouput files for given entity, output type and task type. """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) revision = get_next_entity_output_revision( entity, output_type, task_type, name, client=client ) if revision != 1: revision -= 1 return revision
[docs] def get_last_asset_instance_output_revision( asset_instance, temporal_entity, output_type, task_type, name="master", client=default, ): """ Generate last output revision for given asset instance. """ asset_instance = normalize_model_parameter(asset_instance) temporal_entity = normalize_model_parameter(temporal_entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) revision = get_next_asset_instance_output_revision( asset_instance, temporal_entity, output_type, task_type, name=name, client=client, ) if revision != 1: revision -= 1 return revision
[docs] @cache def get_last_output_files_for_entity( entity, output_type=None, task_type=None, name=None, representation=None, file_status=None, client=default, ): """ Args: entity (str / dict): The entity dict or ID. output_type (str / dict): The output type dict or ID. task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. name (str): The file name representation (str): The file representation file_status (str / dict): The file status Returns: list: Last output files for a given entity (asset or shot), output type, task_type, name and representation """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) file_status = normalize_model_parameter(file_status) path = "entities/{entity_id}/output-files/last-revisions".format( entity_id=entity["id"] ) params = {} if output_type: params["output_type_id"] = output_type["id"] if task_type: params["task_type_id"] = task_type["id"] if representation: params["representation"] = representation if name: params["name"] = name if file_status: params["file_status_id"] = file_status["id"] return raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_last_output_files_for_asset_instance( asset_instance, temporal_entity, task_type=None, output_type=None, name=None, representation=None, file_status=None, client=default, ): """ Args: asset_instance (str / dict): The asset instance dict or ID. temporal_entity (str / dict): The temporal entity dict or ID. output_type (str / dict): The output type dict or ID. task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. name (str): The file name representation (str): The file representation file_status (str / dict): The file status Returns: list: last output files for given asset instance and temporal entity where it appears. """ asset_instance = normalize_model_parameter(asset_instance) temporal_entity = normalize_model_parameter(temporal_entity) output_type = normalize_model_parameter(output_type) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) file_status = normalize_model_parameter(file_status) path = ( "asset-instances/{asset_instance_id}/entities/{temporal_entity_id}" "/output-files/last-revisions" ).format( asset_instance_id=asset_instance["id"], temporal_entity_id=temporal_entity["id"], ) params = {} if output_type: params["output_type_id"] = output_type["id"] if task_type: params["task_type_id"] = task_type["id"] if representation: params["representation"] = representation if name: params["name"] = name if file_status: params["file_status_id"] = file_status["id"] return raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_working_files_for_task(task, client=default): """ Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. Returns: list: Working files related to given task. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) path = "data/tasks/%s/working-files" % task["id"] return raw.get(path, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_last_working_files(task, client=default): """ Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. Returns: dict: Keys are working file names and values are last working file availbable for given name. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) path = "data/tasks/%s/working-files/last-revisions" % task["id"] return raw.get(path, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_last_working_file_revision(task, name="main", client=default): """ Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. name (str): File name suffix (optional) Returns: dict: Last revisions stored in the API for given task and given file name suffx. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) path = "data/tasks/%s/working-files/last-revisions" % task["id"] working_files_dict = raw.get(path, client=client) return working_files_dict.get(name)
[docs] @cache def get_working_file(working_file_id, client=default): """ Args: working_file_id (str): ID of claimed working file. Returns: dict: Working file corresponding to given ID. """ return raw.fetch_one("working-files", working_file_id, client=client)
[docs] def update_comment(working_file, comment, client=default): """ Update the file comment in database for given working file. Args: working_file (str / dict): The working file dict or ID. Returns: dict: Modified working file """ working_file = normalize_model_parameter(working_file) return raw.put( "/actions/working-files/%s/comment" % working_file["id"], {"comment": comment}, client=client, )
[docs] def update_modification_date(working_file, client=default): """ Update modification date of given working file with current time (now). Args: working_file (str / dict): The working file dict or ID. Returns: dict: Modified working file """ return raw.put( "/actions/working-files/%s/modified" % working_file["id"], {}, client=client, )
[docs] def update_output_file(output_file, data, client=default): """ Update the data of given output file. Args: output_file (str / dict): The output file dict or ID. Returns: dict: Modified output file """ output_file = normalize_model_parameter(output_file) path = "/data/output-files/%s" % output_file["id"] return raw.put(path, data, client=client)
[docs] def set_project_file_tree(project, file_tree_name, client=default): """ (Deprecated) Set given file tree template on given project. This template will be used to generate file paths. The template is selected from sources. It is found by using given name. Args: project (str / dict): The project file dict or ID. Returns: dict: Modified project. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) data = {"tree_name": file_tree_name} path = "actions/projects/%s/set-file-tree" % project["id"] return, data, client=client)
[docs] def update_project_file_tree(project, file_tree, client=default): """ Set given dict as file tree template on given project. This template will be used to generate file paths. Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or ID. file_tree (dict): The file tree template to set on project. Returns: dict: Modified project. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) data = {"file_tree": file_tree} path = "data/projects/%s" % project["id"] return raw.put(path, data, client=client)
[docs] def upload_working_file(working_file, file_path, client=default): """ Save given file in working file storage. Args: working_file (str / dict): The working file dict or ID. file_path (str): Location on hard drive where to save the file. """ working_file = normalize_model_parameter(working_file) url_path = "/data/working-files/%s/file" % working_file["id"] return raw.upload(url_path, file_path, client=client)
[docs] def download_working_file(working_file, file_path=None, client=default): """ Download given working file and save it at given location. Args: working_file (str / dict): The working file dict or ID. file_path (str): Location on hard drive where to save the file. """ working_file = normalize_model_parameter(working_file) if file_path is None: working_file = raw.fetch_one( "working-files", working_file["id"], client=client ) file_path = working_file["path"] return "data/working-files/%s/file" % (working_file["id"]), file_path, client=client, )
[docs] def download_preview_file(preview_file, file_path, client=default): """ Download given preview file and save it at given location. Args: preview_file (str / dict): The preview file dict or ID. file_path (str): Location on hard drive where to save the file. """ return get_preview_file_url(preview_file, client=client), file_path, client=client, )
[docs] def get_preview_file_url(preview_file, client=default): """ Return given preview file URL Args: preview_file (str / dict): The preview file dict or ID. """ preview_file = normalize_model_parameter(preview_file) preview_file = raw.fetch_one( "preview-files", preview_file["id"], client=client ) file_type = "movies" if preview_file["extension"] == "mp4" else "pictures" return "%s/originals/preview-files/%s.%s" % ( file_type, preview_file["id"], preview_file["extension"], )
[docs] def get_attachment_file(attachment_file_id, client=default): """ Return attachment file object corresponding to given ID. Args: attachment_file_id (str): The attachment file ID. """ return raw.fetch_one("attachment-files", attachment_file_id, client=client)
[docs] def download_attachment_file(attachment_file, file_path, client=default): """ Download given attachment file and save it at given location. Args: attachment_file (str / dict): The attachment file dict or ID. file_path (str): Location on hard drive where to save the file. """ attachment_file = normalize_model_parameter(attachment_file) attachment_file = get_attachment_file(attachment_file["id"], client=client) return "data/attachment-files/%s/file/%s" % (attachment_file["id"], attachment_file["name"]), file_path, client=client, )
[docs] def download_preview_file_thumbnail(preview_file, file_path, client=default): """ Download given preview file thumbnail and save it at given location. Args: preview_file (str / dict): The preview file dict or ID. file_path (str): Location on hard drive where to save the file. """ preview_file = normalize_model_parameter(preview_file) return "pictures/thumbnails/preview-files/%s.png" % (preview_file["id"]), file_path, client=client, )
[docs] def download_preview_file_cover(preview_file, file_path, client=default): """ Download given preview file cover and save it at given location. Args: preview_file (str / dict): The preview file dict or ID. file_path (str): Location on hard drive where to save the file. """ preview_file = normalize_model_parameter(preview_file) return "pictures/originals/preview-files/%s.png" % (preview_file["id"]), file_path, client=client, )
[docs] def download_person_avatar(person, file_path, client=default): """ Download given person's avatar and save it at given location. Args: person (str / dict): The person dict or ID. file_path (str): Location on hard drive where to save the file. """ person = normalize_model_parameter(person) return "pictures/thumbnails/persons/%s.png" % (person["id"]), file_path, client=client, )
[docs] def upload_person_avatar(person, file_path, client=default): """ Upload given file as person avatar. Args: person (str / dict): The person dict or the person ID. file_path (str): Path of the file to upload as avatar. """ path = ( "/pictures/thumbnails/persons/%s" % normalize_model_parameter(person)["id"] ) return raw.upload(path, file_path, client=client)
[docs] def download_project_avatar(project, file_path, client=default): """ Download given project's avatar and save it at given location. Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or ID. file_path (str): Location on hard drive where to save the file. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) return "pictures/thumbnails/projects/%s.png" % (project["id"]), file_path, client=client, )
[docs] def upload_project_avatar(project, file_path, client=default): """ Upload given file as project avatar. Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. file_path (str): Path of the file to upload as avatar. """ path = ( "/pictures/thumbnails/projects/%s" % normalize_model_parameter(project)["id"] ) return raw.upload(path, file_path, client=client)
[docs] def update_preview(preview_file, data, client=default): """ Update the data of given preview file. Args: preview_file (str / dict): The preview file dict or ID. Returns: dict: Modified preview file """ preview_file = normalize_model_parameter(preview_file) path = "/data/preview-files/%s" % preview_file["id"] return raw.put(path, data, client=client)
[docs] def new_file_status(name, color, client=default): """ Create a new file status if not existing yet. """ data = {"name": name, "color": color} status = get_file_status_by_name(name, client=client) if status is None: return raw.create("file-status", data, client=client) else: return status
[docs] @cache def get_file_status(status_id, client=default): """ Return file status object corresponding to given ID. Args: status_id (str): The files status ID. """ return raw.fetch_one("file-status", status_id, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_file_status_by_name(name, client=default): """ Return file status object corresponding to given name Args: name (str): The files status name. """ return raw.fetch_first("file-status?name=%s" % name, client=client)