Source code for gazu.playlist

from . import client as raw

from .helpers import normalize_model_parameter
from .sorting import sort_by_name

from .cache import cache

default = raw.default_client

[docs]@cache def all_playlists(client=default): """ Returns: list: All playlists for all projects. """ return sort_by_name(raw.fetch_all("playlists", client=client))
[docs]@cache def all_shots_for_playlist(playlist, client=default): """ Args: playlist (str / dict): The playlist dict or the playlist ID. Returns: list: All shots linked to the given playlist """ playlist = normalize_model_parameter(playlist) playlist = raw.fetch_one("playlists", playlist["id"], client=client) return sort_by_name(playlist["shots"])
[docs]@cache def all_playlists_for_project(project, client=default, page=1): """ Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. Returns: list: All playlists for the given project """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) return sort_by_name( raw.fetch_all( "projects/%s/playlists" % project["id"], params={"page": page}, client=client, ) )
[docs]@cache def all_playlists_for_episode(episode, client=default): """ Args: episode (str / dict): The episode dict or the episode ID. Returns: list: All playlists for the given episode. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(episode["project_id"]) return sort_by_name( raw.fetch_all( "projects/%s/episodes/%s/playlists" % ( project["id"], episode["id"], ), client=client, ) )
[docs]@cache def get_playlist(playlist, client=default): """ Args: playlist (str / dict): The playlist dict or the playlist ID. Returns: dict: playlist object for given id. """ playlist = normalize_model_parameter(playlist) return raw.fetch_one("playlists", playlist["id"], client=client)
[docs]@cache def get_playlist_by_name(project, name, client=default): """ Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. name (str): The playlist name Returns: dict: Playlist matching given name for given project. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) params = {"project_id": project["id"], "name": name} return raw.fetch_first("playlists", params=params, client=client)
[docs]def new_playlist( project, name, episode=None, for_entity="shot", for_client=False, client=default, ): """ Create a new playlist in the database for given project. Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. name (str): Playlist name. Returns: dict: Created playlist. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) data = { "name": name, "project_id": project["id"], "for_entity": for_entity, "for_client": for_client, } if episode is not None: episode = normalize_model_parameter(episode) data["episode_id"] = episode["id"] playlist = get_playlist_by_name(project, name, client=client) if playlist is None: playlist ="data/playlists/", data, client=client) return playlist
[docs]def update_playlist(playlist, client=default): """ Save given playlist data into the API. Metadata are fully replaced by the ones set on given playlist. Args: playlist (dict): The playlist dict to update. Returns: dict: Updated playlist. """ return raw.put( "data/playlists/%s" % playlist["id"], playlist, client=client )