Source code for gazu.sync

import os

from .helpers import normalize_model_parameter

from . import client as raw
from . import asset as asset_module
from . import casting as casting_module
from . import person as person_module
from . import project as project_module
from . import files as files_module
from . import shot as shot_module
from . import task as task_module

from .helpers import normalize_model_parameter, validate_date_format

default = raw.default_client

[docs] def get_last_events( limit=20000, project=None, after=None, before=None, only_files=False, name=None, client=default, ): """ Get last events that occured on the machine. Args: limit (int): Number of events to retrieve. project (dict/id): Get only events related to this project. after (dict/id): Get only events occuring after given date. before (dict/id): Get only events occuring before given date. only_files (bool): Get only events related to files. Returns: dict: Last events matching criterions. """ path = "/data/events/last" params = {"limit": limit, "only_files": only_files} if project is not None: project = normalize_model_parameter(project) params["project_id"] = project["id"] if after is not None: params["after"] = validate_date_format(after) if before is not None: params["before"] = validate_date_format(before) if name is not None: params["name"] = name return raw.get(path, params=params, client=client)
[docs] def import_entities(entities, client=default): """ Import entities from another instance to target instance (keep id and audit dates). Args: entities (list): Entities to import. Returns: dict: Entities created. """ return"import/kitsu/entities", entities, client=client)
[docs] def import_tasks(tasks, client=default): """ Import tasks from another instance to target instance (keep id and audit dates). Args: tasks (list): Tasks to import. Returns: dict: Tasks created. """ return"import/kitsu/tasks", tasks, client=client)
[docs] def get_model_list_diff(source_list, target_list, id_field="id"): """ Args: source_list (list): List of models to compare. target_list (list): List of models for which we want a diff. Returns: tuple: Two lists, one containing the missing models in the target list and one containing the models that should not be in the target list. """ missing = [] source_ids = {m[id_field]: True for m in source_list} target_ids = {m[id_field]: True for m in target_list} missing = [ model for model in source_list if not target_ids.get(model[id_field], False) ] unexpected = [ model for model in target_list if not source_ids.get(model[id_field], False) ] return (missing, unexpected)
[docs] def get_id_map_by_name(source_list, target_list): """ Args: source_list (list): List of links to compare. target_list (list): List of links for which we want a diff. Returns: dict: A dict where keys are the source model names and the values are the IDs of the target models with same name. It's useful to match a model from the source list to its relative in the target list based on its name. """ link_map = {} name_map = {} for model in target_list: name_map[model["name"].lower()] = model["id"] for model in source_list: if model["name"].lower() in name_map: link_map[model["name"]] = name_map[model["name"].lower()] return link_map
[docs] def get_id_map_by_id(source_list, target_list, field="name"): """ Args: source_list (list): List of links to compare. target_list (list): List of links for which we want a diff. Returns: dict: A dict where keys are the source model names and the values are the IDs of the target models with same name. It's useful to match a model from the source list to its relative in the target list based on its name. """ link_map = {} name_map = {} for model in target_list: name_map[model[field].lower()] = model["id"] for model in source_list: if model[field].lower() in name_map: link_map[model["id"]] = name_map[model[field].lower()] return link_map
[docs] def is_changed(source_model, target_model): """ Args: source_model (dict): Model from the source API. target_model (dict): Matching model from the target API. Returns: bool: True if the source model is older than the target model (based on `updated_at` field) """ source_date = source_model["updated_at"] target_date = target_model["updated_at"] return source_date > target_date
[docs] def get_sync_department_id_map(source_client, target_client): """ Args: source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: dict: A dict matching source departments ids with target department ids """ departments_source = person_module.all_departments(client=source_client) departments_target = person_module.all_departments(client=target_client) return get_id_map_by_id(departments_source, departments_target)
[docs] def get_sync_asset_type_id_map(source_client, target_client): """ Args: source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: dict: A dict matching source asset type ids with target asset type ids """ asset_types_source = asset_module.all_asset_types(client=source_client) asset_types_target = asset_module.all_asset_types(client=target_client) return get_id_map_by_id(asset_types_source, asset_types_target)
[docs] def get_sync_project_id_map(source_client, target_client): """ Args: source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: dict: A dict matching source project ids with target project ids """ projects_source = project_module.all_projects(client=source_client) projects_target = project_module.all_projects(client=target_client) return get_id_map_by_id(projects_source, projects_target)
[docs] def get_sync_task_type_id_map(source_client, target_client): """ Args: source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: dict: A dict matching source task type ids with target task type ids """ task_types_source = task_module.all_task_types(client=source_client) task_types_target = task_module.all_task_types(client=target_client) return get_id_map_by_id(task_types_source, task_types_target)
[docs] def get_sync_task_status_id_map(source_client, target_client): """ Args: source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: dict: A dict matching source task status ids with target task status ids """ task_statuses_source = task_module.all_task_statuses(client=source_client) task_statuses_target = task_module.all_task_statuses(client=target_client) return get_id_map_by_id(task_statuses_source, task_statuses_target)
[docs] def get_sync_person_id_map(source_client, target_client): """ Args: source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: dict: A dict matching source person ids with target person ids """ persons_source = person_module.all_persons(client=source_client) persons_target = person_module.all_persons(client=target_client) return get_id_map_by_id(persons_source, persons_target, field="email")
[docs] def push_assets(project_source, project_target, client_source, client_target): """ Copy assets from source to target and preserve audit fields (`id`, `created_at`, and `updated_at`). Args: project_source (dict): The project to get assets from project_target (dict): The project to push assets to source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: list: Pushed assets """ asset_types_map = get_sync_asset_type_id_map(client_source, client_target) task_types_map = get_sync_task_type_id_map(client_source, client_target) assets = asset_module.all_assets_for_project( project_source, client=client_source ) for asset in assets: asset["entity_type_id"] = asset_types_map[asset["entity_type_id"]] if asset["ready_for"] is not None: asset["ready_for"] = task_types_map[asset["ready_for"]] asset["project_id"] = project_target["id"] return import_entities(assets, client=client_target)
[docs] def push_episodes( project_source, project_target, client_source, client_target ): """ Copy episodes from source to target and preserve audit fields (`id`, `created_at`, and `updated_at`) Args: project_source (dict): The project to get episodes from project_target (dict): The project to push episodes to source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: list: Pushed episodes """ episodes = shot_module.all_episodes_for_project( project_source, client=client_source ) for episode in episodes: episode["project_id"] = project_target["id"] return import_entities(episodes, client=client_target)
[docs] def push_sequences( project_source, project_target, client_source, client_target ): """ Copy sequences from source to target and preserve audit fields (`id`, `created_at`, and `updated_at`) Args: project_source (dict): The project to get sequences from project_target (dict): The project to push sequences to source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: list: Pushed sequences """ sequences = shot_module.all_sequences_for_project( project_source, client=client_source ) for sequence in sequences: sequence["project_id"] = project_target["id"] return import_entities(sequences, client=client_target)
[docs] def push_shots(project_source, project_target, client_source, client_target): """ Copy shots from source to target and preserve audit fields (`id`, `created_at`, and `updated_at`). Args: project_source (dict): The project to get shots from project_target (dict): The project to push shots to source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: list: Pushed shots """ shots = shot_module.all_shots_for_project( project_source, client=client_source ) for shot in shots: shot["project_id"] = project_target["id"] return import_entities(shots, client=client_target)
[docs] def push_project_entities( project_source, project_target, client_source, client_target ): """ Copy assets, episodes, sequences, shots and entity links from source to target and preserve audit fields (`id`, `created_at`, and `updated_at`). Args: project_source (dict): The project to get assets from project_target (dict): The project to push assets to source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: dict: Pushed data """ assets = push_assets(project_source, project_target) episodes = [] if project_source["production_type"] == "tvshow": episodes = push_episodes(project_source, project_target) sequences = push_sequences(project_source, project_target) shots = push_shots(project_source, project_target) entity_links = push_entity_links(project_source, project_target) return { "assets": assets, "episodes": episodes, "sequences": sequences, "shots": shots, "entity_links": entity_links, }
[docs] def push_tasks( project_source, project_target, default_status, client_source, client_target, ): """ Copy tasks from source to target and preserve audit fields (`id`, `created_at`, and `updated_at`) Attachments and previews are created too. Args: project_source (dict): The project to get assets from project_target (dict): The project to push assets to source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: list: Pushed entity links """ default_status_id = normalize_model_parameter(default_status)["id"] task_type_map = get_sync_task_type_id_map(client_source, client_target) person_map = get_sync_person_id_map(client_source, client_target) tasks = task_module.all_tasks_for_project( project_source, client=client_source ) for task in tasks: task["task_type_id"] = task_type_map[task["task_type_id"]] task["task_status_id"] = default_status_id task["assigner_id"] = person_map[task["assigner_id"]] task["project_id"] = project_target["id"] task["assignees"] = [ person_map[person_id] for person_id in task["assignees"] ] return import_tasks(tasks, client=client_target)
[docs] def push_tasks_comments(project_source, client_source, client_target): """ Create a new comment into target api for each comment in source project but preserve only `created_at` field. Attachments and previews are created too. Args: project_source (dict): The project to get assets from project_target (dict): The project to push assets to source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: list: Created comments """ task_status_map = get_sync_task_status_id_map(client_source, client_target) person_map = get_sync_person_id_map(client_source, client_target) tasks = task_module.all_tasks_for_project( project_source, client=client_source ) for task in tasks: push_task_comments( task_status_map, person_map, task, client_source, client_target ) return tasks
[docs] def push_task_comments( task_status_map, person_map, task, client_source, client_target ): """ Create a new comment into target api for each comment in source task but preserve only `created_at` field. Attachments and previews are created too. Args: project_source (dict): The project to get assets from project_target (dict): The project to push assets to source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: list: Created comments """ comments = task_module.all_comments_for_task(task, client=client_source) comments.reverse() comments_target = [] for comment in comments: comment_target = push_task_comment( task_status_map, person_map, task, comment, client_source, client_target, ) comments_target.append(comment_target) return comments_target
[docs] def push_task_comment( task_status_map, person_map, task, comment, client_source, client_target, author_id=None, tmp_path="/tmp/zou/sync/", ): """ Create a new comment into target api for each comment in source task but preserve only `created_at` field. Attachments and previews are created too. Args: project_source (dict): The project to get assets from project_target (dict): The project to push assets to source_client (KitsuClient): client to get data from source API target_client (KitsuClient): client to push data to target API Returns: list: Created comments """ attachments = [] for attachment_id in comment["attachment_files"]: if type(attachment_id) == dict: attachment_id = attachment_id["id"] attachment_file = files_module.get_attachment_file( attachment_id, client=client_source ) file_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, attachment_file["name"]) files_module.download_attachment_file( attachment_file, file_path, client=client_source ) attachments.append(file_path) previews = [] for preview_file in comment["previews"]: if type(preview_file) is str: preview_file_id = preview_file else: preview_file_id = preview_file["id"] preview_file = files_module.get_preview_file( preview_file_id, client=client_source ) if ( preview_file["original_name"] is not None and preview_file["extension"] is not None ): file_path = os.path.join( tmp_path, preview_file["original_name"] + "." + preview_file["extension"], ) files_module.download_preview_file( preview_file, file_path, client=client_source ) previews.append( { "file_path": file_path, "annotations": preview_file["annotations"], } ) task_status = {"id": task_status_map[comment["task_status_id"]]} if author_id is not None: author_id = author_id else: author_id = person_map[comment["person_id"]] person = {"id": author_id} comment_target = task_module.add_comment( task, task_status, attachments=attachments, comment=comment["text"], created_at=comment["created_at"], person=person, checklist=comment["checklist"] or [], client=client_target, ) for preview in previews: new_preview_file = task_module.add_preview( task, comment_target, preview["file_path"], client=client_target ) files_module.update_preview( new_preview_file, {"annotations": preview["annotations"]}, client=client_target, ) try: os.remove(preview["file_path"]) except OSError: pass for attachment_path in attachments: try: os.remove(attachment_path) except OSError: pass return comment
[docs] def convert_id_list(ids, model_map): """ Args: ids (list): Ids to convert. model_map (dict): Map matching ids to another value.c Returns: list: Ids converted through given model map. """ return [model_map[id] for id in ids]