Source code for gazu.task

import string

import json

from deprecated import deprecated

from gazu.exception import (

from . import client as raw
from .sorting import sort_by_name
from .helpers import (

from .cache import cache

default = raw.default_client

[docs] @cache def all_task_statuses(client=default): """ Returns: list: Task statuses stored in database. """ task_statuses = raw.fetch_all("task-status", client=client) return sort_by_name(task_statuses)
[docs] @cache def all_task_types(client=default): """ Returns: list: Task types stored in database. """ task_types = raw.fetch_all("task-types", client=client) return sort_by_name(task_types)
[docs] @cache def all_task_types_for_project(project, client=default): """ Returns: list: Task types stored in database. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) task_types = raw.fetch_all( "projects/%s/task-types" % project["id"], client=client ) return sort_by_name(task_types)
[docs] @cache def all_task_statuses_for_project(project, client=default): """ Returns: list: Task status stored in database. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) task_statuses = raw.fetch_all( "projects/%s/settings/task-status" % project["id"], client=client ) return sort_by_name(task_statuses)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_shot(shot, relations=False, client=default): """ Args: shot (str / dict): The shot dict or the shot ID. Returns: list: Tasks linked to given shot. """ shot = normalize_model_parameter(shot) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} tasks = raw.fetch_all("shots/%s/tasks" % shot["id"], params, client=client) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_concept(concept, relations=False, client=default): """ Args: concept (str / dict): The concept dict or the concept ID. Returns: list: Tasks linked to given concept. """ concept = normalize_model_parameter(concept) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} tasks = raw.fetch_all( "concepts/%s/tasks" % concept["id"], params, client=client ) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_edit(edit, relations=False, client=default): """ Args: edit (str / dict): The edit dict or the edit ID. Returns: list: Tasks linked to given edit. """ edit = normalize_model_parameter(edit) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} tasks = raw.fetch_all("edits/%s/tasks" % edit["id"], params, client=client) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_sequence(sequence, relations=False, client=default): """ Args: sequence (str / dict): The sequence dict or the sequence ID. Returns list: Tasks linked to given sequence. """ sequence = normalize_model_parameter(sequence) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} path = "sequences/%s/tasks" % sequence["id"] tasks = raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_scene(scene, relations=False, client=default): """ Args: sequence (str / dict): The scene dict or the scene ID. Returns: list: Tasks linked to given scene. """ scene = normalize_model_parameter(scene) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} path = "scenes/%s/tasks" % scene["id"] tasks = raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_asset(asset, relations=False, client=default): """ Args: asset (str / dict): The asset dict or the asset ID. Returns: list: Tasks directly linked to given asset. """ asset = normalize_model_parameter(asset) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} path = "assets/%s/tasks" % asset["id"] tasks = raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_episode(episode, relations=False, client=default): """ Retrieve all tasks directly linked to given episode. """ episode = normalize_model_parameter(episode) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} path = "episodes/%s/tasks" % episode["id"] tasks = raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_shot_tasks_for_sequence(sequence, relations=False, client=default): """ Retrieve all tasks directly linked to all shots of given sequence. """ sequence = normalize_model_parameter(sequence) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} path = "sequences/%s/shot-tasks" % sequence["id"] tasks = raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_shot_tasks_for_episode(episode, relations=False, client=default): """ Retrieve all tasks directly linked to all shots of given episode. """ episode = normalize_model_parameter(episode) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} path = "episodes/%s/shot-tasks" % episode["id"] tasks = raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_assets_tasks_for_episode(episode, relations=False, client=default): """ Retrieve all tasks directly linked to all assets of given episode. """ episode = normalize_model_parameter(episode) params = {} if relations: params = {"relations": True} path = "episodes/%s/asset-tasks" % episode["id"] tasks = raw.fetch_all(path, params, client=client) return sort_by_name(tasks)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_task_status(project, task_type, task_status, client=default): """ Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. task_status (str / dict): The task status dict or ID. Returns: list: Tasks set at given status for given project and task type. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) task_status = normalize_model_parameter(task_status) return raw.fetch_all( "tasks", { "project_id": project["id"], "task_type_id": task_type["id"], "task_status_id": task_status["id"], }, client=client, )
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_task_type(project, task_type, episode=None, client=default): """ Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. episode_id (str / dict): The episode dict or ID. Returns: list: Tasks for given project and task type. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) params = { "project_id": project["id"], "task_type_id": task_type["id"], } if episode is not None: episode = normalize_model_parameter(episode) params["episode_id"] = episode["id"] return raw.fetch_all("tasks", params, client=client)
[docs] @cache def all_task_types_for_shot(shot, client=default): """ Args: shot (str / dict): The shot dict or the shot ID. Returns list: Task types of task linked to given shot. """ shot = normalize_model_parameter(shot) path = "shots/%s/task-types" % shot["id"] task_types = raw.fetch_all(path, client=client) return sort_by_name(task_types)
[docs] @cache def all_task_types_for_concept(concept, client=default): """ Args: concept (str / dict): The concept dict or the concept ID. Returns list: Task types of task linked to given concept. """ concept = normalize_model_parameter(concept) path = "concepts/%s/task-types" % concept["id"] task_types = raw.fetch_all(path, client=client) return sort_by_name(task_types)
[docs] @cache def all_task_types_for_asset(asset, client=default): """ Args: asset (str / dict): The asset dict or the asset ID. Returns: list: Task types of tasks related to given asset. """ asset = normalize_model_parameter(asset) task_types = raw.fetch_all( "assets/%s/task-types" % asset["id"], client=client ) return sort_by_name(task_types)
[docs] @cache def all_task_types_for_scene(scene, client=default): """ Args: scene (str / dict): The scene dict or the scene ID. Returns: list: Task types of tasks linked to given scene. """ scene = normalize_model_parameter(scene) path = "scenes/%s/task-types" % scene["id"] task_types = raw.fetch_all(path, client=client) return sort_by_name(task_types)
[docs] @cache def all_task_types_for_sequence(sequence, client=default): """ Args: sequence (str / dict): The sequence dict or the sequence ID. Returns: list: Task types of tasks linked directly to given sequence. """ sequence = normalize_model_parameter(sequence) path = "sequences/%s/task-types" % sequence["id"] task_types = raw.fetch_all(path, client=client) return sort_by_name(task_types)
[docs] @cache def all_task_types_for_episode(episode, client=default): """ Returns: list: Task types of tasks linked directly to given episode. """ episode = normalize_model_parameter(episode) path = "episodes/%s/task-types" % episode["id"] task_types = raw.fetch_all(path, client=client) return sort_by_name(task_types)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_entity_and_task_type(entity, task_type, client=default): """ Args: entity (str / dict): The entity dict or the entity ID. task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. Returns: list: Tasks for given entity or task type. """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) task_type_id = task_type["id"] entity_id = entity["id"] path = "entities/%s/task-types/%s/tasks" % (entity_id, task_type_id) return raw.fetch_all(path, client=client)
[docs] @cache def all_tasks_for_person(person, client=default): """ Returns: list: Tasks that are not done for given person (only for open projects). """ person = normalize_model_parameter(person) return raw.fetch_all("persons/%s/tasks" % person["id"], client=client)
[docs] @cache def all_done_tasks_for_person(person, client=default): """ Returns: list: Tasks that are done for given person (only for open projects). """ person = normalize_model_parameter(person) return raw.fetch_all("persons/%s/done-tasks" % person["id"], client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_task_by_entity(entity, task_type, name="main", client=default): """ Args: entity (str / dict): The entity dict or the entity ID. task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. name (str): Name of the task to look for. Returns: Task matching given entity, task type and name. """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) return raw.fetch_first( "tasks", { "name": name, "task_type_id": task_type["id"], "entity_id": entity["id"], }, client=client, )
@deprecated( version="0.9.17", reason="You should use another function: gazu.task.get_task_by_entity, it will be removed in a future version of Gazu (0.10.0).", ) @cache def get_task_by_name(entity, task_type, name="main", client=default): return get_task_by_entity(entity, task_type, name=name, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_task_type(task_type_id, client=default): """ Args: task_type_id (str): ID of claimed task type. Returns: dict: Task type matching given ID. """ return raw.fetch_one("task-types", task_type_id, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_task_type_by_name( task_type_name, for_entity=None, department=None, client=default ): """ Args: task_type_name (str): Name of claimed task type. for_entity (str): The entity type for which the task type is created. department (str): The department for which the task type is created. Returns: dict: Task type object for given name. """ params = {"name": task_type_name} if for_entity is not None: params["for_entity"] = for_entity if department is not None: params["department_id"] = normalize_model_parameter(department)["id"] return raw.fetch_first("task-types", params, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_task_type_by_short_name( task_type_short_name, for_entity=None, department=None, client=default ): """ Args: task_type_short_name (str): Short name of claimed task type. for_entity (str): The entity type for which the task type is created. department (str): The department for which the task type is created. Returns: dict: Task type object for given name. """ params = {"short_name": task_type_short_name} if for_entity is not None: params["for_entity"] = for_entity if department is not None: params["department_id"] = normalize_model_parameter(department)["id"] return raw.fetch_first("task-types", params, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_task_by_path(project, file_path, entity_type="shot", client=default): """ Args: project (str / dict): The project dict or the project ID. file_path (str): The file path to find a related task. entity_type (str): asset, shot or scene. Returns: dict: A task from given file path. This function requires context: the project related to the given path and the related entity type. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) data = { "file_path": file_path, "project_id": project["id"], "type": entity_type, } return"data/tasks/from-path/", data, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_default_task_status(client=default): """ Returns: dict: The unique task status flagged with `is_default`. """ return raw.fetch_first( "task-status", params={"is_default": True}, client=client )
[docs] @cache def get_task_status(task_status_id, client=default): """ Args: task_status_id (str): ID of claimed task status. Returns: dict: Task status matching given ID. """ return raw.fetch_one("task-status", task_status_id, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_task_status_by_name(name, client=default): """ Args: name (str / dict): The name of claimed task status. Returns: dict: Task status matching given name. """ return raw.fetch_first("task-status", {"name": name}, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_task_status_by_short_name(task_status_short_name, client=default): """ Args: short_name (str / dict): The short name of claimed task status. Returns: dict: Task status matching given short name. """ return raw.fetch_first( "task-status", {"short_name": task_status_short_name}, client=client )
[docs] def remove_task_type(task_type, client=default): """ Remove given task type from database. Args: task_type (str / dict): The task type dict or ID. """ task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) return raw.delete( "data/task-types/%s" % task_type["id"], {"force": True}, client=client, )
[docs] def remove_task_status(task_status, client=default): """ Remove given task status from database. Args: task_status (str / dict): The task status dict or ID. """ task_status = normalize_model_parameter(task_status) return raw.delete( "data/task-status/%s" % task_status["id"], {"force": True}, client=client, )
[docs] def update_task_type(task_type, client=default): """ Update given task type into the API. Args: task_type (dict): The task type dict to update. Returns: dict: Updated task type. """ return raw.put( "data/task-types/%s" % task_type["id"], task_type, client=client, )
[docs] def update_task_status(task_status, client=default): """ Update given task status into the API. Args: task_status (dict): The task status dict to update. Returns: dict: Updated task status. """ return raw.put( "data/task-status/%s" % task_status["id"], task_status, client=client, )
[docs] @cache def get_task(task_id, client=default): """ Args: task_id (str): ID of claimed task. Returns: dict: Task matching given ID. """ task_id = normalize_model_parameter(task_id) return raw.get("data/tasks/%s/full" % task_id["id"], client=client)
[docs] def new_task( entity, task_type, name="main", task_status=None, assigner=None, assignees=[], client=default, ): """ Create a new task for given entity and task type. Args: entity (dict): Entity for which task is created. task_type (dict): Task type of created task. name (str): Name of the task (default is "main"). task_status (dict): The task status to set (default status is Todo). assigner (dict): Person who assigns the task. assignees (list): List of people assigned to the task. Returns: Created task. """ entity = normalize_model_parameter(entity) task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) if task_status is None: task_status = get_default_task_status(client=client) data = { "project_id": entity["project_id"], "entity_id": entity["id"], "task_type_id": task_type["id"], "task_status_id": task_status["id"], "assignees": normalize_list_of_models_for_links(assignees), "name": name, } if assigner is not None: data["assigner_id"] = normalize_model_parameter(assigner)["id"] task = get_task_by_name(entity, task_type, name, client=client) if task is None: task ="data/tasks", data, client=client) return task
[docs] def remove_task(task, client=default): """ Remove given task from database. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) raw.delete("data/tasks/%s" % task["id"], {"force": True}, client=client)
[docs] def start_task(task, started_task_status=None, person=None, client=default): """ Create a comment to change task status to started_task_status (by default WIP) and set its real start date to now. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. started_task_status (str / dict): The task status dict or ID. person (str / dict): The person dict or the person ID. Returns: dict: Created comment. """ if started_task_status is None: started_task_status = get_task_status_by_short_name( "wip", client=client ) if started_task_status is None: raise TaskStatusNotFoundException( ( "started_task_status is None : 'wip' task status is " "non-existent. You have to create it or to set an other " "task status for started_task_status in the parameters " "of the function." ) ) return add_comment(task, started_task_status, person=person, client=client)
[docs] def task_to_review( task, person, comment, revision=1, change_status=True, client=default ): """ Deprecated. Mark given task as pending, waiting for approval. Author is given through the person argument. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. person (str / dict): The person dict or the person ID. comment (str): Comment text revision (int): Force revision of related preview file change_status (bool): If set to false, the task status is not changed. Returns: dict: Modified task """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) person = normalize_model_parameter(person) path = "actions/tasks/%s/to-review" % task["id"] data = { "person_id": person["id"], "comment": comment, "revision": revision, "change_status": change_status, } return raw.put(path, data, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_time_spent(task, date=None, client=default): """ Get the time spent by CG artists on a task at a given date if given. A field contains the total time spent. Durations are given in minutes. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. date (str): The date for which time spent is required. Returns: dict: A dict with person ID as key and time spent object as value. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) path = "actions/tasks/%s/time-spents" % (task["id"]) if date is not None: path += "/%s" % (date) return raw.get(path, client=client)
[docs] def set_time_spent(task, person, date, duration, client=default): """ Set the time spent by a CG artist on a given task at a given date. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. person (str / dict): The person who spent the time on given task. date (str): The date ("YYYY-MM-DD") for which time spent must be set. duration (int): The duration (in minutes) of the time spent on given task. Returns: dict: Created time spent entry. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) person = normalize_model_parameter(person) path = "actions/tasks/%s/time-spents/%s/persons/%s" % ( task["id"], date, person["id"], ) return, {"duration": duration}, client=client)
[docs] def add_time_spent(task, person, date, duration, client=default): """ Add given duration to the already logged duration for given task and person at a given date. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. person (str / dict): The person who spent the time on given task. date (str): The date ("YYYY-MM-DD") for which time spent must be set. duration (int): The duration (in minutes) of the time spent on given task. Returns: dict: Updated time spent entry. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) person = normalize_model_parameter(person) path = "actions/tasks/%s/time-spents/%s/persons/%s/add" % ( task["id"], date, person["id"], ) return, {"duration": duration}, client=client)
[docs] def add_comment( task, task_status, comment="", person=None, checklist=[], attachments=[], created_at=None, links=[], client=default, ): """ Add comment to given task. Each comment requires a task_status. Since the addition of comment triggers a task status change. Comment text can be empty. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. task_status (str / dict): The task status dict or ID. comment (str): Comment text person (str / dict): Comment author checklist (list): Comment checklist attachments (list[file_path]): Attachments file paths created_at (str): Comment date links (list): List of links to add to the comment Returns: dict: Created comment. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) task_status = normalize_model_parameter(task_status) data = { "task_status_id": task_status["id"], "comment": comment, "checklist": checklist, "links": links, } if person is not None: person = normalize_model_parameter(person) data["person_id"] = person["id"] if created_at is not None: data["created_at"] = created_at if len(attachments) == 0: return "actions/tasks/%s/comment" % task["id"], data, client=client ) else: attachment = attachments.pop() data["checklist"] = json.dumps(checklist) return raw.upload( "actions/tasks/%s/comment" % task["id"], attachment, data=data, extra_files=attachments, client=client, )
[docs] def add_attachment_files_to_comment( task, comment, attachments=[], client=default ): """ Add attachments files to a given comment. Args: task (dict / ID): The task dict or the task ID. comment (dict / ID): The comment dict or the comment ID. attachments (list / str) : A list of path for attachments or directly the path. Returns: dict: Added attachment files. """ if isinstance(attachments, str): attachments = [attachments] if len(attachments) == 0: raise ValueError("The attachments list is empty") task = normalize_model_parameter(task) comment = normalize_model_parameter(comment) attachment = attachments.pop() return raw.upload( "actions/tasks/%s/comments/%s/add-attachment" % (task["id"], comment["id"]), attachment, extra_files=attachments, client=client, )
[docs] def get_comment(comment_id, client=default): """ Get comment instance Args: comment_id (ID): The comment ID. Returns: dict: Given comment instance. """ return raw.fetch_one("comments", comment_id, client=client)
[docs] def remove_comment(comment, client=default): """ Remove given comment and related (previews, news, notifications) from database. Args: comment (str / dict): The comment dict or the comment ID. """ comment = normalize_model_parameter(comment) return raw.delete("data/comments/%s" % (comment["id"]), client=client)
[docs] def create_preview(task, comment, revision=None, client=default): """ Create a preview into given comment. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. comment (str / dict): The comment or the comment ID. revision (int): Revision number. Returns: dict: Created preview file model. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) comment = normalize_model_parameter(comment) path = "actions/tasks/%s/comments/%s/add-preview" % ( task["id"], comment["id"], ) data = {} if revision is not None: data["revision"] = revision return, data, client=client)
[docs] def upload_preview_file( preview_file, file_path, normalize_movie=True, client=default ): """ Create a preview into given comment. Args: preview_file (str / dict): The preview_file dict or the preview_file ID. file_path (str): Path of the file to upload as preview. """ path = ( "pictures/preview-files/%s" % normalize_model_parameter(preview_file)["id"] ) if not normalize_movie: path += "?normalize=false" return raw.upload(path, file_path, client=client)
[docs] def add_preview( task, comment, preview_file_path=None, preview_file_url=None, normalize_movie=True, revision=None, client=default, ): """ Add a preview to given comment. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. comment (str / dict): The comment or the comment ID. preview_file_path (str): Path of the file to upload as preview. preview_file_url (str): Url to download the preview file if no path is given. normalize_movie (bool): Normalize the movie or not. revision (int): Revision number. Returns: dict: Created preview file model. """ if preview_file_url is not None: preview_file_path = download_file( preview_file_url, ) preview_file = create_preview( task, comment, revision=revision, client=client ) return upload_preview_file( preview_file, preview_file_path, normalize_movie=normalize_movie, client=client, )
[docs] def publish_preview( task, task_status, comment="", person=None, checklist=[], attachments=[], created_at=None, preview_file_path=None, preview_file_url=None, normalize_movie=True, revision=None, set_thumbnail=False, links=[], client=default, ): """ Publish a comment and include given preview for given task and set given task status. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. task_status (str / dict): The task status dict or ID. comment (str): Comment text person (str / dict): Comment author checklist (list): Comment checklist attachments (list[file_path]): Attachments file paths created_at (str): Comment date preview_file_path (str): Path of the file to upload as preview. preview_file_url (str): Url to download the preview file if no path is given. normalize_movie (bool): Set to false to not do operations on it on the server side. revision (int): Revision number. set_thumbnail (bool): Set the preview as thumbnail of the entity. links (list): List of links to add to the comment Returns: tuple(dict, dict): Created comment model and created preview file model. """ new_comment = add_comment( task, task_status, comment=comment, person=person, checklist=checklist, attachments=attachments, created_at=created_at, links=links, client=client, ) preview_file = add_preview( task, new_comment, preview_file_path=preview_file_path, preview_file_url=preview_file_url, normalize_movie=normalize_movie, revision=revision, client=client, ) if set_thumbnail: set_main_preview(preview_file, client=client) return new_comment, preview_file
[docs] def batch_comments(comments=[], task=None, client=default): """ Publish a list of comments (with attachments and previews) for given task. Each dict comments may contain a list of attachment files path and preview files path in the keys "attachment_files" and "preview_files". If no task is given each comments needs to have a task_id key. Args: comments (list): List of comments to publish. task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. Returns: list: List of created comments. """ if task is not None: task = normalize_model_parameter(task) files = {} for x, comment in enumerate(comments): if comment.get("attachment_files"): for y, file_path in enumerate(comment["attachment_files"]): files["attachment_file-%i-%i" % (x, y)] = open(file_path, "rb") if comment.get("preview_files"): for y, file_path in enumerate(comment["preview_files"]): files["preview_file-%i-%i" % (x, y)] = open(file_path, "rb") files["comments"] = (None, json.dumps(comments), "application/json") return raw.upload( "actions/tasks/%sbatch-comment" % ("%s/" % task["id"] if task else ""), file_path=None, files=files, client=client, )
[docs] def set_main_preview(preview_file, frame_number=None, client=default): """ Set given preview as thumbnail of given entity. Args: preview_file (str / dict): The preview file dict or ID. frame_number (int): Frame of preview video to set as main preview Returns: dict: Created preview file model. """ data = {} if frame_number is not None: data["frame_number"] = frame_number preview_file = normalize_model_parameter(preview_file) path = "actions/preview-files/%s/set-main-preview" % preview_file["id"] return raw.put(path, data, client=client)
[docs] @cache def all_comments_for_task(task, client=default): """ Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. Returns: Comments linked to the given task. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) return raw.fetch_all("tasks/%s/comments" % task["id"], client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_last_comment_for_task(task, client=default): """ Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. Returns: Last comment posted for given task. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) return raw.fetch_first("tasks/%s/comments" % task["id"], client=client)
[docs] @cache def assign_task(task, person, client=default): """ Assign one Person to a Task. Args: task (str / dict): The task dict or the task ID. person (str / dict): The person dict or the person ID. Returns: (dict) the affected Task """ person = normalize_model_parameter(person) task = normalize_model_parameter(task) path = "/actions/persons/%s/assign" % person["id"] return raw.put(path, {"task_ids": task["id"]}, client=client)
[docs] def clear_assignations(tasks, person=None, client=default): """ Clear assignations for a single or multiple tasks. If no person is given, all assignations are cleared. Args: tasks (list / str / dict): Task dict or the task ID, single or list. person (str / dict): The person dict or the person ID. Returns: (dict) List of affected Task IDs """ if not isinstance(tasks, list): tasks = [tasks] data = {} for task in tasks: task = normalize_model_parameter(task) data.setdefault("task_ids", []).append(task["id"]) if person is not None: person = normalize_model_parameter(person) data["person_id"] = person["id"] return raw.put( "/actions/tasks/clear-assignation", data=data, client=client )
[docs] def new_task_type(name, color="#000000", for_entity="Asset", client=default): """ Create a new task type with the given name. Args: name (str): The name of the task type color (str): The color of the task type as an hexadecimal string with # as first character. ex : #00FF00 for_entity (str): The entity type for which the task type is created. Returns: dict: The created task type """ task_type = get_task_type_by_name(name, for_entity) if task_type is None: data = {"name": name, "color": color, "for_entity": for_entity} task_type ="data/task-types", data, client=client) return task_type
[docs] def new_task_status(name, short_name, color, client=default): """ Create a new task status with the given name, short name and color. Args: name (str): The name of the task status short_name (str): The short name of the task status color (str): The color of the task status as an hexadecimal string with # as first character. ex : #00FF00 Returns: dict: The created task status """ assert color[0] == "#" assert all(c in string.hexdigits for c in color[1:]) data = {"name": name, "short_name": short_name, "color": color} return"data/task-status", data, client=client)
[docs] def update_task(task, client=default): """ Update given task into the API. Metadata are fully replaced by the ones set on given task. Args: task (dict): The task dict to update. Returns: dict: Updated task. """ if "assignees" in task: task["assignees"] = normalize_list_of_models_for_links( task["assignees"] ) return raw.put("data/tasks/%s" % task["id"], task, client=client)
[docs] def update_task_data(task, data={}, client=default): """ Update the metadata for the provided task. Keys that are not provided are not changed. Args: task (dict / ID): The task dict or ID to save in database. data (dict): Free field to set metadata of any kind. Returns: dict: Updated task. """ task = normalize_model_parameter(task) current_task = get_task(task["id"], client=client) updated_task = {"id": current_task["id"], "data": current_task["data"]} if updated_task["data"] is None: updated_task["data"] = {} updated_task["data"].update(data) return update_task(updated_task, client=client)
[docs] @cache def get_task_url(task, client=default): """ Args: task (dict): The task dict. Returns: url (str): Web url associated to the given task """ if not isinstance(task, dict): raise TaskMustBeADictException path = "{host}/productions/{project_id}/shots/tasks/{task_id}/" return path.format( host=raw.get_api_url_from_host(client=client), project_id=task["project_id"], task_id=task["id"], )
[docs] def all_tasks_for_project( project, task_type=None, episode=None, client=default ): """ Args: project (str / dict): The project (or its ID) to get tasks from. task_type (str / dict): The task type (or its ID) to filter tasks. episode (str / dict): The episode (or its ID) to filter tasks. Returns: dict: Tasks related to given project. """ project = normalize_model_parameter(project) path = "/data/projects/%s/tasks" % project["id"] params = {} if task_type is not None: task_type = normalize_model_parameter(task_type) params["task_type_id"] = task_type["id"] if episode is not None: episode = normalize_model_parameter(episode) params["episode_id"] = episode["id"] return raw.get(path, params=params, client=client)
[docs] def update_comment(comment, client=default): """ Save given comment data into the API. Metadata are fully replaced by the ones set on given comment. Args: comment (dict): The comment dict to update. Returns: dict: Updated comment. """ return raw.put("data/comments/%s" % comment["id"], comment, client=client)